Food for Thought

Is science becoming a belief system, with the scientists as the clergy?

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Harry Harman

I hope you've all gone and voted Harriet for rear of the year. I've just been watching the F*** You video on Freedom-2-Choose blog and just happened to notice the harpy. I also watched the two anti-smoking videos on there too, one of which is a blatant lie which could only seek to cause hysteria panic and incite hatred. LIT CIGARETTES CANNOT LIGHT PETROL! IT IS A LIE! IT FAILED OVER 200 BLEEDING TIMES IN CONTROLLED REPEATABLE TESTS! NOT ONE SODDING FLAME!

Well having seen the adverts then seeing the old bag Harry, I decided that if ever I saw her I would demonstrate if I treated her as another man, as she seems to want us, and give her nice hard punch square on the nose as I would to any other bloke who insulted me as much as her. Such as:

Gorgon Broon
Ding Cameron
Rajendra Pachauri

I'm sure there are many more you think I should add to this list but for me to want to hit someone it takes a lot, I almost left Hillary Clinton on there but the old bat still admits that she's a woman and therefore is not identical to a man so I couldn't hit her for trying to screw us in the Falklands. They want to be ours goddammit!

At lest the F*** You song is keeping me from giving this laptop a quick lesson in high velocity aerial crash landings.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No more aerial laptops. Please.