Food for Thought

Is science becoming a belief system, with the scientists as the clergy?

Friday, 26 March 2010

It's the name of the blog dammit!

This is attempt number two at a blog post that is based more on a whim than any other. The main source of my ire I have not yet located, probably why I am still struggling to write any decent metal lyrics but can whack out a good couple of riffs with relative ease. The most recent event to find this well of anger came from Senior. Some of his attitudes towards how I conduct myself seem to be all to similar to this government for me not to have a brief rant on this topic.

The most recent incident was over this very blog. On here I do not tend to moderate anything I say, with the exception of expletives as there can be so much more inventive insults that the crude one word ejaculations most people are content with (ejaculation is also a synonym of exclaim to justify its position in the sentence as more than just a word to titillate). This has led to what I say becoming extreme, my simple counter to this is a simple one. Whom, when irate, is anything other than extreme?  Ire is an emotion of extreme. Ire is not reasonable. Ire does not think and moderate. It shouts curses screams and makes wild and outrageous accusations. Unfortunately the title of the blog appears not to reference in peoples minds when reading what I have posted. Maybe I should have a warning sticker on the site?

The incident over this blog was Senior following up on what I had done with this blog. I posted about this, and decided there were several options. I had informed senior that there rather than his suggestion of deletion, there was the more simple version of changing the e-mail address with which this site is registered to one that isn't my personal address. So when Senior comes to ask the follow up question about what I have done with my blog how would you, an impartial (assumption made you do not know me or anyone close to me) reader, pose the question of effectively disconnecting my real-life persona from this blog? The most sensible method would surely be something akin to "Pingu in Portugal, what have you done with your blog since I last talked to you about it?" Sensible, no?

Now Senior's inquiry into the affair should be surprising, as Senior canvassed for the Iron Lady herself and states he is right of centre and liberal. The question he posed me was "Have you deleted that blog yet?"... Now where to begin on this? What aspect of this should I deride first?

None. First I shall take you further into the workings of Senior's mind. In the first paragraphs I used the word "some" referring to Senior's attitudes towards me. The second comment made to me is one that I ignored at the time, and one that I may at a later date come back to him over. Senior if you are reading this, have a look at Blog Content post to check that it is you and not OB, the reason I didn't go to your old school too, Then please do ask me about what I have said on this post. If you thought you had bad arguments with OB then prepare for a new Number 1. The comment in question was said in relevance to going to a new university to study a different course. "You can make some new friends, other than your real ale lot." Now I have never been noted for my reliance on remembering statements verbatim, and I have not here (hence why it is merely a comment, not a quote). I do know, however, that the statement started with the old "no offence" comment, thus insuring the comment is offensive if only that part is remembered, and was stated in such a manner that it was all but unsaid that my current crop of friends was undesirable in his eyes.

Combine these two comments and what do we get? Effectively, Senior trying to run my life as he believes would benefit me the most. Yes it is all good intentions on his part, though I increasingly struggle to find the benefit to me in deserting good friends, but it is still an attempt to control me. Having caused significant disappointment in recent times, and taking into account the ease with which agreeing and ignoring generally works upon Senior, I have generally suffered these type of comments with no fuss. The advice imparted upon me is generally very good and based on many more years experience than I have.

Now though, I tire of it. I may well be Pingu Junior, but I have well passed the time when I need to be watched over and monitored. A staple comment I now find exiting Senior's mouth is, "How many drinks is that?" with a simple answer of 'none of your business' readily available I go for the "It's my second, the same number as you." Though the feel I always get in response to this comment is 'Do as I say. Not as I do.'

This all combines to leave me with the simple conclusion that Senior is acting in the manner that a Lib\Lab\Con government would want to be seen. Informing you of how to act and behave because it is for your benefit. This may be why I am feeling increasingly irritated at home by complete non-events that would make a mole-hill a planet, let alone a mountain. I can see what a benign intervention should be and what the government actually does, or that I see what the government and find myself viewing the benign acts of Senior and LG and feeling them as the malicious forces that a Lib\Lab\Con government would be.

The audacity to imply that my friends weren't up to scratch. The arrogance to assume that the course suggested had to be the course taken, and the hypocrisy of the 'Do as I say, not as I do.' I am starting to understand why OB is moving to Exeter. In the short term, my exodus to the Sou' West is inevitable. In the long-term, my exodus from this country is probable. The new country to which I will be a citizen, if only an unhappy one, has recently become Switzerland. If I am gonna make a break from this country I my aswell lose the lingo too. Make the break that much more surgical.

A quick return to the title of the post. A person is allowed their opinions. Do not judge a man 'til you have met him. It is easy to let your invention rule when it is you and a computer screen against no-one. Never judge a man by his blog.

(I wanted to do never judge a blog by its owner. Unfortunately it got the message around the wrong way)

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