Food for Thought

Is science becoming a belief system, with the scientists as the clergy?

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Here we go...

I've never really understood the blogging sensation that the internet has created. A lot of highly opinionated and, so I'm led to believe, ill-informed hermits, living in the cavern of their creation that is the room in which their computer resides, telling us that scientists are wrong and politicians are wrong... well... they might have it right there.
So here I am to muddy the waters a little more with ignorance in places and expertise in none, for now. Though I shall pledge here and now in this first blog to atleast allow myself to be corrected if proper evidence is produced to the contrary in the best traditions of science. I shall not pledge, as a politician might, to research fully my topic before comment. If I did succumb to such a promise I would never have anything to be whimsically irate about or giggle myself silly to.

Here starts the dawn of a new blog, nothing terribly impressive is it.

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