Food for Thought

Is science becoming a belief system, with the scientists as the clergy?

Monday, 15 February 2010

Bah humbug!

By the Gods I feel I might just go and kill myself! Screw that I may aswell go donw guns blazing creating a major international incident and start a war. It would probably actually make things a little brighter if I did this in a chicken suit on stilts, certainly if I didn't I wouldn't feel that I would be causing the news to get more depressing.

That, or I could just stop reading my favoured blogs. The Pub Curmudgeon for the latest on CAMRA's intransigence and the demise of social drinking; Dick Puddlecote for keeping me uptodate with the latest outbreaks in authoritarian, self-righteous, freedom-choking news updates; Underdogs Bite Upwards for the comprehensive debunking of the anti-smoking propoganda and "science", I think we should get the BBC to interview him against an ASH spokes person, with both at the same place, outside and watch the sponateous combustion of the ASH member as it comes within 5 yards of the "ANTICHRIST"! This would probably defy the point of my reading them, a method of keeping up on news, where the media tends to be rather socialist.

My frustration comes with the fact that these blogs are always having to deal with extreme incompitence from so called "scientists", politicians and newspaper commentators who would believe the noise emanationg from a laboratory rat's ear if it had Obama* tatooed to its back. All these authoritarian, ignorant stories they have to deal with is starting to wear me down and get depressed. I feel a change must be achieved.

Hence my initial idea for starting an international incident with my death. I have decided however that a much better idea would be to start a blog where I hunt around for some amusing, entertaining stories which make you feel happier, or at least less miserable. My first post, I forget who's blog I found this through I shall continue hunting, shall be on this story. I just made me giggle. I feel the title being something akin to "oh for a laugh..."

Editorial: New blog for amusing stories, funny videos, and silly anecdotes is here! at

* On an aside I feel a bit sorry for Obama. He was elected into power, at the end of George Bush's incompitence and, as far as I can tell through my ignorance, is being blamed for everything that mostly was started during his predecessor's eight year reign. But I do reiterate I don't really understand what is going on across the pond.

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